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Join in: swim challenge

Fancy a challenge? On the weekend of 14/15 August, you can set yourself any swimming challenge you like. It might be a distance — maybe you’ve always wanted to swim 1km, 5km or even 10km. It might be swim in somebody’s memory or a swim in a funny costume. You can do it on your own or as part of a team.

Whatever you choose, this is your chance to be a part of a national challenge and raise money for a fantastic cause at the same time. You’ll get a free event swim cap and have the chance to win some amazing prizes.

What’s the charity?

The challenge is set up by Level Water and lakes all across the UK are taking part. Level Water is a national charity that provides bespoke, 1-1 swimming lessons to children with disabilities. They currently work in 80 pools and provide 20,000 lessons to 500 children, but this is all at risk. Their income has been hit hard with the cancellation of 2020 and 2021 events, which is why they’ve teamed up with the Outdoor Swimming Society to run ‘Lakes for Level Water’ for a second year giving you the chance to be part of an incredible challenge and giving Level Water hope of survival.

What’s more, Clevedon Marine Lake will get 20% of all the funds raised. We are raising money to build a disabled changing room and toilet by the lake, and to store the disabled hoist that we raised money to buy with our winter swimming challenge. We believe in providing access for all to Clevedon Marine Lake and opening up opportunities for more people to enjoy the benefits of water activities, which is why we’re so happy to be working with Level Water.

Want to take part?

Go to and register.

Join our fundraising team and start raising money. There are loads of fantastic prizes to be won!

Please note: the lake will remain open to the public throughout both events. If you’re not taking part, please come and give the swimmers your support! 

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